Electric Cars

How Do Battery Electric Cars Work? How battery electric cars work

Battery electric vehicles, or BEVs, use electricity stored in a battery pack to power an electric motor and turn the wheels. When depleted, the batteries are recharged using grid electricity, either from a wall socket or a dedicated charging unit. Since they don’t run on gasoline or diesel and are powered entirely by electricity, battery electric cars and trucks are considered “all-electric” vehicles.

When driven, BEVs don’t produce tailpipe pollution—they don’t even have a tailpipe. However, the electricity they use may produce heat-trapping gases and other pollution at the source of its generation or in the extraction of fossil fuels. The amount of pollution produced depends on how the electricity is made. In the United States, battery electric cars charged off the dirtiest coal-dominated grid still produce less pollution than their gasoline-powered counterparts. BEVs powered by renewable energy sources like wind or solar are [...]

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